Viral Markers  Blood Test For HIV, HCV & HbsAg procedure : Clinical esentials

Viral Markers Blood Test For HIV, HCV & HbsAg procedure : Clinical esentials

πŸ“Œ 𝐅𝐨π₯π₯𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦:- Β Β /Β drgbhanuprakashΒ Β  Viral Markers Blood Test For HIV, HCV & HbsAg The viral marker blood tests are a set of three tests that includes the HIV rapid test, HbsAg Screening (Rapid) test, and HCV Tri Dot test. The test evaluates the presence or absence of the hepatitis virus in your blood sample. Hepatitis is a liver disease that is most commonly caused by hepatitis A, B and C virus. The hepatitis panel test can detect the presence of all three types of viruses in the blood sample. The symptoms caused by these viruses and the mode of their transmission is different in different viruses. The details about these viruses are given below: Hepatitis A: This virus spreads when a person comes in contact with the faeces or stools of an infected person or by consumption of tainted food. The spread of virus through sexual contact with an infected person is reported in very rare cases. The recovery rate from hepatitis A is high and the virus generally does not leave a lasting impact on the liver. Hepatitis B: This virus generally spreads in cases where the patient comes in contact with the body fluids of an infected person, like its blood or semen. The recovery of patients from hepatitis B can be quick in some cases while in other cases, it may lead to long-term, chronic liver disease. Hepatitis C: This virus generally spreads if you come in contact with the blood of the infected individual. The most common cause of infection is due to the sharing of hypodermic needles. In rare cases, the virus can spread due to sexual intercourse with an infected person. Developing cirrhosis and chronic liver diseases in patients infected by hepatitis C virus is very common in most of the cases. Why is a viral markers test conducted? A viral markers test in Mumbai is conducted if you have one or more symptoms of acute or chronic hepatitis, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has been infected with the hepatitis virus or HIV. The test is also recommended to patients who have been on dialysis for a long term, or who have been injected with illegal drugs. The test is suggested for pregnant women as well. How is the viral markers test done? The viral markers test is just like a normal blood test that requires blood for testing. The blood sample is collected from a vein in your arm through a needle. The collected blood is then taken into the laboratory for testing. #viralmarkers #hivmarkers #hcvmarkers #hbsag #bloodtest #bloodtests #usmle #usmlestep1 #usmlevideos #neetpg #mbbs #nationalexittest #nationalexittest #usmlepreparation #fmge #drbhanuprakash #drgbhanuprakash #mbbsvlogs #mbbsvideos