5 Diseases Associated With the Epstein–Barr Virus
Scientists blame Epstein-Barr for several serious illnesses. ► ► FREE GIFT: https://womenswellnesschannel.com/sup... 👍 We want to keep making informative research-based videos for you. So if you got value from this video and would like more of it, you can send us a 'Super Thanks' by clicking the Thanks button at the bottom of the video. We would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! :) --------------------------------------------------------- 5 most common diseases associated with Epstein-Barr #5: Infectious Mononucleosis We could say infectious mononucleosis, or mono, is an EBV infection.But because about 10% of mono cases are the result of other viruses, we can’t. Scientists categorize ‘kissing disease’ as an EBV-associated disorder.But infectious mononucleosis most commonly describes the worst symptoms of an EBV infection. It’s infectious because we can pass it on. #4: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Lupus and SLE are alternative names for systemic lupus erythematosus. This is a debilitating immune disorder which affects the entire body. Research in 2018 showed that EBV can switch on the genes that cause autoimmune diseases. Even when in a latent state! They’re not sitting there doing nothing, at all! #3. Multiple Sclerosis In January 2022, a team at the Harvard School of Public Health proved Epstein-Barr infections cause multiple sclerosis. In the records of 10 MILLION military personnel, close to 1,000 were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis during service years. The risk of MS is low. But that risk climbs an incredible 32 times with EBV. An elevated risk of this scale isn't found in other virus species. #2: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Lists of EBV-associated diseases ALWAYS include Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Do you remember the Epstein-Barr virus attacks B-lymphocyte cells? Lymphomas are cancers of these types of cells. B cells regulate antibodies that fight foreign cells and toxins. Memory B cells help the body remember old foes. And remember, we know EBV can switch our genes on and off. Especially when we are genetically or environmentally predisposed to certain illnesses. #1: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma The wrong foods increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer. Or cancer of the nose and throat. In 2015, Italian hospitals looked at the eating habits of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. No-one had done this before. They realized diets rich in animal products, starch, and fats are strongly linked to nasopharyngeal cancer. Other studies show high vegetable and low meat diets LOWER nasopharyngeal cancer risk. Actually, this applies to most cancers. But for nasopharyngeal cancer, Epstein-Barr is nearly ALWAYS to blame. DISCLAIMER: No part of this channel may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from WomensWellnessChannel.com. The information contained in this channel is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and the performance of the information is assumed by the user, and in no event shall the Women's Wellness Channel be liable for any consequential, incidental, or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information in this channel.