I Caught RARE Fish in a Primitive Fish Trap!
🚨Please Note This Is A Fan Channel , All Credit Go's To @BassFishingProductions🚨Go Follow him. In today's video, I make a primitive fish trap using nothing but sticks to see what CRAZY fish I could catch! I built the trap in a tiny creek that is FILLED with rare aquarium fish and MONSTER fish! After we finished making the primitive style trap, I placed one that we bought next to it to see which one catches the most fish! We then stuck our hands into the mysterious mud holes and caught out CRAZY fish like oscars, cichlids, catfish, and more! We then traveled down the dried up creek and saved as many fish as we could including bichirs, and African cichlids! And once we got to the hidden tunnel we turned on our flashlights to try and find fish... We ended up netting out gouramis, and even an axolotl! We caught so many fish we decided to place another fish trap in the tunnel! We then came back later that night and ended up catching so many fish including eels, knife fish, exotic cichlids, plecos, and more! When it was time to see what the primitive fish trap caught, we were shocked at the MONSTER freshwater pufferfish, axolotls, and mystery fish that we found inside! We brought back all the fish we caught and put them into my backyard ponds and fish tanks! Should we do another primitive fish trap? #fish #fishing #fishtrap #dolphin #monsterfish #fishtank #ponds #bassfishingproduction #bass #redtailcatfish #net #peacockbass #rtc #fishkeeping #aquarium #pfkeepers #bassfishing #rarefish #goonchcatfish #catfish #matamataturtle #turtle #fishtrap #rescue #alligator #sewer