July 18, 2021 - The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Please join us for meditation on God’s Word and prayer! View or download a service folder at https://tinyurl.com/mlcgrds210718 Shepherds are to gather, tend, nourish & protect flocks. The Lord passes harsh judgment on unfaithful shepherds. (Jeremiah 23:1-6) Ultimately, it is only Christ, the righteous Branch, who gathers together His flock both from alien Gentile nations as well as chosen Israel. (Ephesians 2:11-22) Christ alone provides respite for shepherding disciples, nourishing them with His Word & presence. (Mark 6:30-44) Furthermore, He miraculously equips faithful shepherds to feed, tend & nourish those who gather to hear His Word of truth. Preacher: Rev. Andrew Twietmeyer Musician: Mr. Rick Krueger