it deserves more robux i swear (better than tsb's move) Discord : / discord My Roblox Profile (follow) : https://www.roblox.com/users/19491765... My Group : https://www.roblox.com/communities/35... Game Link : https://www.roblox.com/games/13076380... My Merchs (you can purchase these as DONATE for help to my small giveaways 🥺) : https://www.roblox.com/communities/35... 00:00 New Limited Emote 00:32 Starting 00:57 Emotes Showcase 01:22 2 New Kill Emote 01:33 Emotes Showcase 01:42 Fight For The Present (300 Robux) 02:50 Emotes Showcase 02:59 Kill Emote 03:15 Emotes Showcase 05:20 Surprise Scythe (200 Robux) 05:42 Emotes Showcase 06:04 Jackpot Redesign 06:24 Finish 06:36 idk how this happened Heroes Battlegrounds Useless Tags Heroes Battlegrounds Shigaraki Pro Guide Heroes Battlegrounds Symbol Of Fear Pro Guide Heroes Battlegrounds How To Master On Shigaraki Heroes Battlegrounds How To Master On Symbol Of Fear Heroes Battlegrounds How To Use Shigaraki Heroes Battlegrounds How To Play Shigaraki in Heroes Battlegrounds Heroes Battlegrounds Shigaraki Tech Heroes Battlegrounds how to play symbol of fear Heroes Battlegrounds How to play Symbol Of Fearr Heroes Battlegrounds Tenya Heroes Battlegrounds New Char Jet Engine Heroes Battlegrounds New Char Heroes Battlegrounds Jet Engine Heroes Battlegrounds Best Counter Decaying Counter Heroes Battlegrounds Best Counter Frost Counter Heroes Battlegrounds Best Counter Reflective Counter Heroes Battlegrounds Crimson Parry Heroes Battlegrounds How to use counter Heroes Battlegrounds Best Counter Heroes Battlegrounds New Update Showcase Heroes Battlegrounds All Emotes Showcase Heroes Battlegrounds All Emotes Heroes Battlegrounds New Emotes Heroes Battlegrounds Update Showcase Heroes Battlegrounds Bakugo Nuke Move Heroes Battlegrounds New Gamepass Heroes Battlegrounds Black Flash Heroes Battlegrounds New Map Heroes Battlegrounds Ne... why youre looking to here ?🤔 roblox the strongest battlegrounds new update,roblox the strongest battlegrounds,roblox the strongest battlegrounds sonic,roblox the strongest battlegrounds genos,saitama battlegrounds,the strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds trolling,roblox the strongest battlegrounds combo,roblox the strongest battlegrounds gojo,roblox saitama battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds the strongest battlegrounds new update,the strongest battlegrounds,the strongest battlegrounds gojo,the strongest battlegrounds combo,strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds sonic,teamers saitama battlegrounds,saitama battlegrounds script,saitama battlegrounds,saitama battlegrounds sorcerer,saitama battlegrounds sonic,saitama battleground,saitama battlegrounds roblox,saitama battlegrounds genos combo,saitama battlegrounds one shot combo,metal bat,boros, the strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds,saitama battlegrounds,metal bat,roblox,adrenalin demon,the strongest battlegrounds update,the strongest battlegrounds genos,the strongest battlegrounds,the strongest battlegrounds sonic,new the strongest battlegrounds update,the strongest battlegrounds gojo,rip off the strongest battlegrounds games,roblox the strongest battlegrounds script,strongest battlegrounds,roblox the strongest battlegrounds,roblox the strongest battlegrounds sonic,roblox the strongest battlegrounds combo,strongest battlegrounds roblox,the strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds trolling,metal bat saitama battlegrounds,roblox saitama battlegrounds,saitama battle grounds,new moveset saitama battlegrounds,saitama battlegrounds,saitama battleground genos,saitama battlegrounds genos,saitama battlegrounds toxic,saitama battlegrounds sonic,best combos in saitama battlegrounds,saitama battleground combo,saitama battlegrounds trolling,saitama battle grounds trolling,the strongest battlegrounds new update,the strongest battlegrounds gojo,the strongest battlegrounds combo,strongest battlegrounds sonic,the strongest battlegrounds,strongest battlegrounds,teamers saitama battlegrounds,saitama battlegrounds script,saitama battlegrounds one shot combo,saitama battlegrounds sorcerer,saitama battlegrounds sonic,saitama battlegrounds genos combo,saitama battlegrounds roblox,saitama battleground,saitama battlegrounds,roblox,metal bat,dbz,zbg, goku, saitama, nomu, deku, heroes, heroes battlegrounds, green, bakugo showcase, bakugo combo, bakugo moves, new update heroes battlegrounds, heroes bg upd.