Joy At A Wedding

Joy At A Wedding

Have you ever felt like the joy in your life has run dry? Like you’re just going through the motions, trying to keep up appearances while feeling empty inside? In this powerful sermon, we dive into the story of Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana, where He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11). Through this story, we explore profound truths: 🍇 Rescue the Groom: Jesus not only saved a wedding from disaster but also covers our inadequacies and provides abundantly where we fall short. 🍷 Restore the Joy: Just as wine was a symbol of joy and celebration, Jesus offers a joy that never runs out, even when life feels empty. 💍 Redeem the Bride: Jesus didn’t just save a party—He came to redeem His bride, the Church, offering us His love and grace without end. In a world where every other "wine" eventually runs out—whether it’s success, relationships, or achievements—Jesus offers a grace that is never exhausted. The question is: What do you do when the wine runs out?