If You’re Sleepy and You Know It, Close Your Eyes | Nursery Rhyme for Kids | Bedtime Sing-Along

If You’re Sleepy and You Know It, Close Your Eyes | Nursery Rhyme for Kids | Bedtime Sing-Along

If You’re Sleepy and You Know It, Close Your Eyes – A gentle and relaxing nursery rhyme to help little ones wind down for bedtime. Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and young learners who enjoy soft lullabies and sing-along songs. If you’re sleepy and you know it, close your eyes, If you’re sleepy and you know it, close your eyes, Snuggle up and hold me tight, Dream of stars so big and bright, If you’re sleepy and you know it, close your eyes. Sing along with more fun songs for kids! Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more soothing bedtime songs and lullabies. #BedtimeSong #SleepyTime #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #BabySongs #SingAlong #ToddlerSongs #PreschoolSongs #KidsLearning #Lullaby if you’re sleepy and you know it, bedtime nursery rhyme, calming baby songs, relaxing toddler songs, preschool sleep songs, soft lullaby, sing along, nighttime routine, kids relaxation, learn with fun