Carl Jung's Synchronicity - Secret Signals From The Universe
Law Of Attraction Demystified Club: https://wizardofwisdom.com/LOA-demyst... Synchronicities are not just coincidences; they are the universe's way of linking your inner thoughts to the external world, showing you meaningful signs that you're either on the right track or you’ve veered off it. How can you recognize and respond to these signs? And what are the most common types? And if the universe is speaking to you, then it makes sense to learn to listen to these messages because they can be the key to bringing your manifesting desires into reality … or let you know you’re barking up the wrong tree. Carl Jung, who coined the word “synchronicity,” called the phenomenon an “acausal connecting principle” - meaning things that seem connected without any apparent cause for them to occur at the same time. Jung even enlisted the help of Einstein himself in developing the theory, and it sits on the cusp between mysticism and science. #synchronicity #lawofattraction Whether you’re a sceptic or believer, synchronicity and its influence in your life is not one to dismiss lightly. Watch this video and share your thoughts in the comments. If you love self-help, it's first of all better if you know two things: 1. How will you know when you don't need any more help? 2. Where exactly is the "self" anyway? If you want to pursue success and happiness, again, it's best if you know how you and your life will look when you get there. Without such knowledge, you can spend a lifetime in endless pursuit and never arrive. This channel aims to end the pursuit and get you to the finish line - so that you can truly enjoy yourSELF and your life - sooner and better. My motto is: "Changing lives for the better forever." Subscribe to my channel: / @trevoremdon Find me on: Youtube: / tremdon Facebook: / trevoremdon Web: http://wizardofwisdom.com Or http://trevoremdon.com Twitter: @wizardofwisdom