Sunday Worship Experience March 9th, 2025
Welcome to Kingdom Builders Ministries Sunday Worship Experience Speaker: Bishop Terrance Strachan Topic: "Stir It Up!" Text: 2 Timothy 1:5-7 Thank you for joining us!! We do not own Copyrights to the songs in this Streaming! PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE! OPPORTUNITY TO SOW.... ACCOUNT INFORMATION: ZELLE PAY [email protected] Commonwealth Bank Acct Name: Kingdom Builders Ministries LTD Commonwealth Branch: 21104 Account:4452403 #thejustshalllivebyfaith #kbm #kingdombuilders #prayer #biblestudy #bahamas #liveexpecting #seasontowin #holinessisstillthestandard #vesselsofhonor #yourfruits #fruitofthespirit #imitatorsofGod #qualifiedvessels