Orientalism by Edward Said : Postcolonial in Urdu.

Orientalism by Edward Said : Postcolonial in Urdu.

Orientalism by Edward Said: Postcolonial in Urdu by Prof Mumtaz Ali. Edward Said’s Orientalism is one of the most influential works of intellectual history of the postwar era. It is also one of the most misunderstood. Perhaps the most common misunderstanding is that it is “about” the Middle East; on the contrary, it is a study of Western representations of the Arab-Islamic world—of what Said called “mind-forg’d manacles,” after William Blake. The book’s conservative critics misread it as a nativist denunciation of Western scholarship, ignoring its praise for Louis Massignon, Jacques Berque, and Clifford Geertz, while some Islamists praised the book based on the same misunderstanding, overlooking Said’s commitment to secular politics. FOLLOW US: ☆ FACEBOOK PAGE: 1. https://bit.ly/3lcQiJE ☆ TWITTER: 2.   / mumtaz_prof   #Postcolonial #Theory #Orientalism