Skin Cancer Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore!

Skin Cancer Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore!

Recognising the warning signs of skin cancer is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. The ABCDE rule serves as a helpful guide: 🔹 Asymmetry: One half of the mole doesn't match the other. 🔹 Border: Edges are irregular, ragged, or blurred. 🔹 Color: Varied shades of brown, black, or other colors. 🔹 Diameter: Larger than 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser). 🔹 Evolving: Changes in size, shape, or color over time. If you notice any of these signs, it's essential to consult a dermatologist promptly. Early intervention can be life-saving. At The Skin Care Network, our experienced team specialises in the early detection and treatment of skin cancer. To schedule a consultation, please contact us at 020 8441 1043 or visit our website. Your skin health is our priority. #SkinCancer #ABCDERule #Skin #Dermatologist #Dermatology #SkinCare