Sermon for Easter 6- 5/9/21
Gospel- John 15:9-17
5-9-21 The Sixth Sunday of Easter
sunday school || 5-9-21 || 5:30pm to 6:30pm || Zion Prayer house,Vinukonda.
Baccalaureate Mass and Sixth Sunday of Easter Homily 5-9-21 (5 pm)
5-9-21 "Resurrection Community: Loving One Another/One, an Other as Christ Loved Us"
Easter 6 (5/9/21) - Service of the Word
Reading from 1 John 5:1-6, from 5/9/21
The Rev. James Pevehouse: 5/9/21, Sixth Sunday of Easter
5/9/21: Holy Eucharist Rite II for the Sixth Sunday of Easter at Christ Episcopal Church Needham, MA
5/9/21 - Millennium Blessings "The First Resurrection" - Sunday Worship
Easter 6 service 5 9 21
5-9-21 - CTK Easter 6
5/9/21 Easter 6 Worship with Trinity Lutheran
Easter 6 Worship Service (5/9/21) led by Pastor Beth
HFUMC 5-9-21
Sunday Mass 5-9-21 Easter 6 St Albert The Liberal Catholic Church
Easter 6, 5/9/21
Zion - Colome (Live-Stream) 5-9-21
1030am Worship folder for the Sixth Sunday of Easter - 5/9/21
6th Sunday of Easter - 5-9-21
Wittenberg Lutheran Church 11 am Worship Service - 5/9/21