Best Pain-Relieving Stretch for QL (Quadratus Lumborum) at Lower Back
#Shorts 🙌 LOVE this one, it feels so good!!! It’s the BEST pain/tightness relieving stretch for that QL (Quadratus Lumborum) at your lower back. Be sure to give it a go and tell me how it feels for you! The “QL” is a stabilizing muscle that’s kind of shaped like a little triangle, and starts at the top of your pelvis and attaches into your lumbar spine. It can easily get overworked, cramped and fatigued when… ➡️ it’s weak and underdeveloped ➡️ it’s having to do WAY more work than it should due to weak core muscles on the frontside and weak glutes on the backside ➡️ you spend your days tilted or leaning to the side or leaning forward While this little muscles isn’t necessarily meant to be “LONG”, stretching it like this can feel really nice and help to relieve some tension that you’re carrying there. The ultimate, long-term relief for your poor QL would come from a much stronger core and glutes and better posture overall. Tell me how this one feels for you!!! 💓💓💓 (Need more help with that last part - Strengthening your core? 💪 Look no further than my free 5-Day Core Tune Up Program! It can help to relieve so much of that QL and low back tightness you’ve been dealing with! Simply type CORE in the comments ⬇️ or visit www.5daycore.com) #QL #QLstretch #quadratuslumborum #tightlowback #tightlowerback #lowbackpain #backpain #backpainstretch #backpainrelief #reels #fyp