Watchnight | December 31, 2022

Watchnight | December 31, 2022

Preacher: Rev. Co’Relous Bryant The Reverend Co’Relous C. Bryant is the Associate for Mission at The St. James’ Church in New York City. He obtained the Bachelor of Arts degree from New York University (NYU) where he focused on political science and theater. He obtained the Master of Divinity degree from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, GA, specializing in homiletics and pastoral care. Co’Relous has worked as a community organizer, nonprofit manager at United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Jacksonville Public Education Fund. He is especially proud of his work at Rethreaded, a social enterprise that combats sex trafficking. He was the 2022 Vestal Scholar, the highest award from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Co’Relous is the 2007 National Oratorical Champion for the American Legion. Co’Relous has been heard on National Public Radio (NPR), Metro Baptist Church NYC, Madison Avenue Baptist Church NYC, Union Chapel on Martha’s Vineyard, Greater Restoration Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY and as the keynote preacher at the Baptist Fellowship of the Northeast in 2022. Reverend Bryant was licensed for ministry by Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL and was proudly ordained to the Gospel Ministry by Metro Baptist Church in New York City. - - Visit for more digital ministry resources to fuel your work for love and justice. Download a bulletin: Make a donation: Online ministries and content: Follow us on Twitter:   / riversidenyc   Follow us on Instagram:   / riversidenyc   Follow us on Facebook:   / riversideny   Listen to Be Still and Go: Watch The Word Made Fresh: All lyrics posted under # A-717132