10 Science-Backed Ways on How To Fall Asleep INSTANTLY

10 Science-Backed Ways on How To Fall Asleep INSTANTLY

Learn now how to fall asleep fast based on science. The 7 Sleep Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs Counterpart article to this video: http://willyoulaugh.com/how-to-get-to... Today, we talk about 10 Life Hacks That will teach you how to get to sleep fast . I will cover how to fall asleep instantly without DRUGS!! Don't sleep? Can't sleep? Have you told yourself "I can't sleep at night"? This video might be for you. It will provide some sleep hacks (in a regrettably BuzzFeed fashion) or "life hacks" to sleep fast, sleep quick, sleep better, sleep longer, and sleep easy. These work on your own or at a sleepover. We cover topics like meditation and drinking cherry tart juice. This video will act as a sleep aid and guide to WHY sleep is important. So many people believe that sleeping less equates to more success but Ariana Huffington wrote this great book (that goes into more detail) on why this is simply not the case! When musicians have lyrics like "I will sleep when I'm dead" it's actually the WORST thing to do. I mention numerous scientific experiments that talk about a sleep study that proves these points. Program better sleep into your life! You CAN improve your sleep quality and relaxation. Hopefully, this training video will help you enjoy deep healing sleep. Get Arianna Huffington's book here: http://geni.us/thesleeprevolution (I will get a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase from that link on Amazon.com) I just read Arianna Huffington’s book The Sleep Revolution. I’ve been seeing her everywhere on social media and the Internet promote her message about the importance of sleep. She’s a multi-millionaire entrepreneuer who bought into the sleep myth most of modern society has. It’s pretty epidemic. I’ve seen everyone from high school students to CEO’s live off 3 or less hours of sleep a night. Mrs. Huffington herself did this until she collapsed from exhaustion. I think she raises some interesting points and I wanted to share with you the top 10 techniques to improve your success with sleep from the book: 1. Avoid Blue Light Before You Sleep (from Electronics or Lamps) In the last century thanks to the invention of the light bulb, we are now able to light up our rooms as if it is daytime even though it’s the dead of night. This can wreak havoc on our body’s sleep schedule. Light can suppress the body’s production of melatonin, which helps regulate our circadian rhythms, something that is essential for our sleep patterns. According to Harvard sleep researcher Steven Lockley, a light of just 8 lux, which is less than most ordinary room lamps and only twice of a night light, is enough to affect us. The type of light we receive matters as well. Blue light, which is mainly emitted from electronic screens and LED bulbs, has an exceptionally disruptive effect on melatonin levels and circadian rhythm. A study by Anne-Marie Chang of Harvard Medical school and others found that participants who used an eReader before sleep took longer to fall asleep, a later timing of the circadian rhythm, and had reduced morning alertness. George Brainard, a circadian-rhythm researcher and neurologist says that the alert stimulus from blue light will frustrate your body’s ability to go to sleep later and is an underlying biological stimulus even after you turn off the light. Dr. Dan Siegal, a clinical professor of psychiatry, says that exposing your eyes to this stream of photons is telling your brain to stay awake, don’t secrete melatonin, and not to go to sleep. I don’t recommend you go to such extremes unless you can easily afford it, but some people buy and wear blue-light blocking sunglasses when they go to bed. They look like orange-tinted sunglasses. Heather Woods, a sleep researcher from the University of Glasgow, coauthored a study on how social media affects teens. Those who had the highest emotional investment in their social-media lives reported having low sleep quality, increased anxiety and depression, and decreased self-esteem. Arianna’s recommendation is to stop using electronics at least 30 minutes before you stop using lights. For people who are always inside for work or school, it is important to spend a healthy amount of time to get a healthy daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun. For those who spend way too long outside tanning, you probably have gotten more than enough Vitamin D and should limit your time outside to prevent skin cancer from ultraviolet rays. FREE gift 10 Powerful Books That Changed the Direction of my Life: http://willyoulaugh.com/powerful-books If you're new, this is my self-development Youtube channel where I share success tips I have learned studying successful people. Want to join the conversation? Comment in blog posts on the blog: http://willyoulaugh.com/blog If you're reading this, write "secret potato society" in the comments