English  Stenography(Shorthand) Complete Course | Introduction | Demo Class

English Stenography(Shorthand) Complete Course | Introduction | Demo Class

In this video, Learn the basics of English Shorthand(Stenography) from Sumit Sir. This video is a demo class for the Complete English Shorthand Course. For the complete course kindly check the RBE Revolution by Education App. RBE official application 👉https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 👈 If you are preparing for SSC exams, One one-stop solution to your preparation is RBE. Download the RBE application for All subject's Best courses (from those who themselves have cleared the examination) at a very affordable price. Learn from those who themselves have cleared the examination at a very affordable price. OFFICER BATCH [All subjects Complete Course]: 1999/- SSC Stenography(short-hand) course (Eng+ Hindi shorthand):- 499 SSC Stenographer complete course including Maths, English & Reasoning :- 1499 WhatsApp/Enquiry:- 7303666097 Target group for Officer Batch and Stenographer exam will start from 26 February. Enroll soon. 👉https://telegram.me/RBE_S 👈 Telegram channel से जुड़ें और SSC के सभी exams (CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, Selection Post, Stenographer, Delhi Police, etc. ) & RRB NTPC, UPSI की question paper pdfs subject-wise and complete mock form में download करे। SSC से जुड़े सभी updates टेलीग्राम पे मिल जायेंगे | SSC Exams all previous year papers subject-wise and printable at one place (Free) (SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC MTS, SSC GD, SSC Selection Post, etc.) https://rbelearning.com/courses/16/co... Thousands of free Tests on RBE:- https://rbelearning.com/previous-year SSC stenographer 2023 Tier-1 all shifts Paper (Mock form) :- https://rbelearning.com/test-series/1... SSC Stenographer 2023 Tier-1 (All 6 Shifts) Question Paper compilations by Shubham Jain Sir (RBE) Official Format compilation:- (in English) Compilation:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8858 (in Hindi) Compilation:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8859 Subject-wise Printable format:- In English Language: 1. GK (0ne liner):- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/88562 2. GK (mock form):- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8863 3. English Subject:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8860 4. Reasoning:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8861 In Hindi Language: 1. GK (0ne liner):- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8865 2. GK (mock form):- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8864 3. English Subject:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8860 4. Reasoning:- https://telegram.me/RBE_S/8866 SSC Exams all previous year papers subject-wise and printable at one place (Free) (SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC MTS, SSC GD, SSC Selection Post, etc.) https://rbelearning.com/courses/16/co... #ssc #cgl #ssc_cgl #ssc_recruitment #chsl #cgl2024 #rbe #govtjobs Direct message us on WhatsApp:- https://wa.me/7303666097 Course Inquiry Number:- 7303666097