CMA Final SPM & BV | MTP Marathon Dec 2021 | CA CS Divya Agarwal | MEPL Classes

CMA Final SPM & BV | MTP Marathon Dec 2021 | CA CS Divya Agarwal | MEPL Classes

CMA Final SPM & BV | New MTP Marathon For Dec 2021 | By CA CS Divya Agarwal | MEPL Classes You are watching MTP Marathon for CMA Final for upcoming Dec 2021 Exams and CA CS Divya Agarwal Mam. This is the last session of this series. In this videos You are going to solve mock test papers of SMP & BV. This video will surely help you in your CMA Final upcoming exam. It will boost you strength and We hope you will definitely achieve your goals. Relevant for Course: CMA Final Subject: SPM and BV Faculty: CA CS Divya Agarwal Mam For ADMISSIONS: 1) Visit our website: 2) Contact: +91 6290935202 / +91 6290948313 / +91 8420129525 / 033-25552254 3) WhatsApp: Follow this link - 4) E-Mail: [email protected] TO ENROLL for our Video Course on Final Courses and Intermediate Courses, click the links below: CMA Final - Group 3 COMBO - CMA Final - Group 4 COMBO - CMA Final - Both Group Combo - CMA Inter - Group 1 COMBO - CMA Inter - Group 2 COMBO - CMA Inter - Both Group Combo - CA Inter - All 8 Papers COMBO - CA Inter Group 1 COMBO - CA Inter Group 2 COMBO - FOLLOW ALL UPDATES: 1) Telegram: 2) Facebook:   / education.mohit   3) Instagram:   / mohitagarwa.  . 4) All YouTube Channels: @Mohit Agarwal @MEPL Classes ABOUT US: MEPL Classes is one of the most Trusted Educational Institute in India. It is catering to students of Professional Courses like CA, CMA & CS across all levels. Mohit Agarwal Sir (CA, CS) is the founder, chief educator & a true visionary of MEPL Classes. Under his leadership, MEPL has served thousands of students and looks forward to reach out to even larger number of students in the current times. MEPL Classes provides MOST SUBJECTS UNDER ONE ROOF and is loved by students across the country for its high quality team of teachers viz. Divya Agarwal Ma'm (CA, CS), Sanjeev Pandey Sir (MSc, MBA), Gourav Kabra Sir (CA, CFA - L3 Qualified), Nikunj Goenka Sir (CA) & Dr. Mohit Shaw Sir (CS), Bishnu Kedia Sir (CA) If you like our work, kindly consider to LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT. Also, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel @MEPL Classes #CMAFinalSPMBV #MEPLClasses #ICMAIExams#CMAFinal #BestCMACoaching #MEPLClasses #CMA #mtpmarathon #mocktestpapersspmbv #MohitAgarwalSir