5-minute Meditation: Svadhisthana sacral chakra (417 Hz sound healing)

5-minute Meditation: Svadhisthana sacral chakra (417 Hz sound healing)

Sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the second chakra, located between the pubic bone and the navel. It is associated with creativity and sexual energy, but it is also the chakra of joy, pleasure and abundance. If your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel depressed and afraid of change. You can tune your sacral chakra with meditation and healing sounds. Sit in a comfortable position. You can place your hands on your knees or use the dhyani mudra. To do this, place the palm of your right hand in the palm of your left hand and put your thumbs together. The healing sound in this video corresponds to the sacral chakra's 417 Hz frequency. As you hear the bell, you may repeat the mantra "VAM ". Or you can repeat the simple mantra "I feel" to wake up your sensual and creative energy. #meditation #chakras #mindfulness The sound is the courtesy of The Very Real Horst, used under Creative Commons licence.