Dead Island 2 PS5-Carla Gameplay Walkthrough/No Commentary Part 15 The Rav-Ages of Caustic-X

Dead Island 2 PS5-Carla Gameplay Walkthrough/No Commentary Part 15 The Rav-Ages of Caustic-X

This will be, "Dead Island 2 PS5-Carla Gameplay Walkthrough/No Commentary" from beginning to the end of the story.Dead Island 2 takes place with most of the city of Los Angeles overrun by zombies. Increasingly intense earthquakes have caused the military to lose control of the zombie outbreak. The Slayers make their way onto 71 Heavy, a military evacuation flight. Robert Steele has bought his way onto this flight as well. He turns out to be infected and the plane is shot down as per military protocol in order to contain the virus in Los Angeles. After surviving the crash, the slayer meets Emma Jaunt and some other survivors. They are invited to Emma's Mansion and will head there after attempting to help other survivors at the plane crash. The slayer is bit during this time and is barely able to make their way to Emma's Mansion before passing out. After waking up, it turns out that the slayer is immune to the Autophage virus, responsible for the zombie outbreak. Eager to get out of LA, the slayer want to contact the authorities about their immunity. "The Gameplay of "Dead Island 2" will be on PS5 so make sure to hit the like button and leave a comment down below and subscribe to the channel that can be found down below. I'd Appreciate it if you'll can follow and show some support on one of these sites so that you can find out what other game, I'll be playing next. Follow me on Twitter:   / irvin4tyrell   Follow me on Instagram:   / tjphoenixirvin   Follow me on Facebook: Subscribe to the Channel:    / @tjphoenixirvin   Subscribe to TJPhoenix Irvin YouTube Channel to get new Gameplay Walkthrough Videos of all sorts of Games on the Channel.