5 Steps to Intuitive Eating

5 Steps to Intuitive Eating

Here I discuss how to become an intuitive eater so you never need to diet again in your life!!! I use intuitive eating not only to build muscle but to stay lean and to live a balanced lifestyle. This helps me stay healthy and fit and I can indulge when I want to (IT’S CALLED BALANCE) This approach Is what I try to teach to all of my clients! 5 steps on intuitive eating: 1. Forget everything from diets 2. Listen to hunger and full cues 3. What do you really want? 4. Enjoy every bite 5. No more guilt Do you want to learn how to use intuitive eating to help with burning fat and building muscles? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Check out the entire video on my YouTube - search “Intuitive Eating” #stopdieting #stopdietingstartliving #foodhealing #intuitiveeatingjourney #intuitiveeatingcoach #faddietsdontwork #faddiets #balancedfood #balancednutrition #loveyourfood #eathealthybehealthy #eatmorefat #eatmoregreens #balancedmeals