God Is Bringing Someone Chosen As Your Spouse When You See These Clear Confirmation Signs
God is more concerned about your marriage life than you probably know. But the truth is that it is not so easy to meet someone and confirm that they are the one approved for you. Sometimes, the person you think is the one may not be the one, and the one you least think about may be the one approved for you. As you travel down this path of Christian dating, one thing you must not joke about is God’s guidance. More than your gut, seek for and trust the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Your future well-being depends on it. Being led by the Spirit is something I have noticed many Christians are genuinely in the dark about. Some depend on their gut for guidance. Some depend on feelings. Some would go as far as even trusting psychics. But a Christian should not follow or be led by any of these. And, by the way, no Christian should seek a palm-reader or psychic. It is a sin in God’s sight. He has given us His Spirit. We must settle down and surrender to be led by Him. #motivational #inspiration #christianmotivation #god #godmessage #godmessagetoday Donation/support https://paypal.me/GRACEFORDESTINY?cou... Footage Licensed Through Filmpac/Envato elements/Motionarray/Artgrid