Worship Service 01/12/2025
Thank you for worshiping the Lord with us this morning in word and song. We pray that you have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Glory be to God! To give to our ministry online follow this link: https://giv.li/qbnyvr Today's message from Pastor John Arthur "A Refuge in the Storm" Do you know someone that would be blessed and inspired by the message today? We ask that you share the service on Facebook with your family and friends. Sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is the greatest gift that you can share. A special thank you to "John Cason" for bringing special music and for sharing the gift with our church community. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am with them." -- Matthew 18:20 To give to our ministry online follow this link: https://giv.li/qbnyvr Find archived videos on Youtube / @eurekafirstbaptistchurch-nj2og Do you have questions/concerns about your relationship with Christ? Are you in a crisis? Do you have the blessed assurance of where you will spend eternity? Do you want to have that assurance? Please call our Pastor John Arthur 803-645-7700 (Direct Line) If you are in the beautiful downtown Eureka, South Carolina area, we invite you to join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. We are located at 173 Johnston Highway; Trenton, SC 29847. Visitors are greeted like family. We are a “Country Church that Cares!”