Magic pot story | magic porridge pot | the magic pot lesson story | #bedtimestories

Magic pot story | magic porridge pot | the magic pot lesson story | #bedtimestories

Magic Pot | Bedtime Stories for Kids in English | Fairy Tales #fairy #fairytales One day, the farmer Gopi finds a magic pot while digging his field. Gopi becomes wealthy thanks to the magic pot that gives a hundred more from everything he puts in it. But there are some people who complain about this situation... adisebaba stories #adisebabastories #FairyTalesandStoriesforKids ❤️🧚‍♀️❤️ Considering the length of time that children spend in front of the screen, the effects of the content they follow becomes crucial to us. For this reason, as Adisebaba, our contents are prepared under the supervision of psychological counselor. ❤️🧚‍♀️❤️ the magic pot bedtime story #Adisebaba #bedtimestoriesforkids #storiesforkidsAdisebaba #animation #cartoon #themagicpotinenglish #themagicpotlesson #themagicthemagicsong #themagicmagazine #shortprincessbedtimestories #fairy tails #fairy tales in english #fairy tales #kids stories stories for kids #story for kids #fairy tale #magic pot #english fairy tales #story in english #moral stories #animation story #bedtime stories #bedtime story #cartoon #animated stories #bedtime stories for kids #english fairy tales stories #story english new story #new tale #new fairy tale #fairy #magical