What if we Grow a Tail? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #children #whatif
To buy AumSum merchandise visit AumSum.com. What if we Grow a Tail? Firstly, if we Grow a Tail, thieves would be extremely happy, it would now be easier for them to steal. Secondly, if we Grow a Tail, Monkeys may grow jealous of us, some may even sit on a hunger strike. Thirdly, if we Grow a Tail, gymnasts would be overjoyed, gymnastics would touch a new level altogether. Fourthly, if we Grow a Tail, tail gyms might open up, some people might start lifting weights with their tail. Fifthly, if we Grow a Tail, some people might start buying clothes for their new found tail. Lastly, if we Grow a Tail, tail grooming salons might become very popular. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we Grow a Tail? 1:10 - What if earth lost Oxygen for 5 seconds? 2:26 - What if Wheels were Never Invented? 3:30 - What Would Happen if We Stopped Sleeping? 4:40 - What if there was No Gravity on Earth?