2 Easy daily kolam | கார்த்திகை மாத பூ கோலம்|sankranti muggulu|friday muggulu| மார்கழி மாத பூ கோலம்
Please Subscribe, Like and Share my Channel Kolam Queen. 2 easy vilakku kolam|பெரிய கார்த்திகைக்கு ஏற்ற கோலம்|Simple karthigai deepam kolam|friday muggulu #kolamqueen #kolam #muggulu #Youtube #latest flower rangoli design #rangoli design for new #Iyengar padi kolam design #shorts #Traditional kolam #Pandaga mugulu #Chukkala mugulu #margazhi2023 #margazhikolam #margazhikolangal #margazhispecialkolam #margazhirangoli #margazhimathamkolam #kolam #trending kolam #traditional kolangal #mugulu #rangoli #padi kolam #sangu kolam #easy beginners rangoli #simple dot's kolangal #easy&simple kolam #padi kolam #youtube #kolam #rangoli #rangoli kolam #muggulu #vilakku kolam thanks for watching my channel thank you so much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌺🌺❤️❤️🌹🌹 Kolam simply means beauty, an ancient art that involves free hand drawing and is identified by geometrical patterns, dots, curves and lines. Back in the days, cow dung was mixed in water and sprinkled in the morning at the entrance of a mud flooring house. Then, women draw the kolams every morning. Kolams are a symbol of auspiciousness. It is drawn with rice flour at the entrance of a home which invites Goddess Lakshmi and drives away evil spirits. Also, there are specific kolams attributed to various deities. Besides the artistic inspirations, vibrant colors and various Rangoli style. It as, 1) Positive Vibrations 2) Provides Happiness 3) Trains the Mind 4) Physical Health கோலம் உள்ள இடத்தில் தெய்வம் வாசம் செய்யும்.