EUROVISION 2025 - MY TOP 23 (NEW: 🇷🇸) 🎤✨

EUROVISION 2025 - MY TOP 23 (NEW: 🇷🇸) 🎤✨

Welcome to my latest video where I rank the 23 songs so far released from the ESC Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in Basel! This is my personal opinion, if you disagree that's totally fine. Thanks to the group for this amazing, unbelievable show. This video is meant to be informative for viewers of the show. 🎤✨ Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content! princ mila serbian srbija serbia serbien claude c'est la vie dutch netherlands niederlande oranje milkshake man go-jo australie australia australien VÆB RÓA iceland island lucio corsi volevo essere un duro italy italia italien italie mamagama run with u azerbaijan aserbaidschan parg survivor armenia armenien kyle alessandro lighter norway norwegen norwege tommy cash espresso macchiato estonia estland estonie katarsis lithuania tavo akys litauen justyna steczkowska gaja poland polonia polen polska miriana conte kant malta maltese song erika vikman ich komme finland finnish entry ziferblat bird of pray ukraine slava ukraina tautumeitas bur man laimi latvia latvien latvie ireland emmy laika party eire irland irelande slovenia Klemen Slakonja - how much time do we have left slovenien parody belgium red sebastian - strobe lights belgique belgien flanders wallonia spain melody - esa diva espana spanien greece Klavdia - asteromata griechenland greek luxembourg Laura Thorn - La poupée monte le son luxembourgish albania Shkodra Elektronike - Zjerm shqiperia albanien albanie montenegro Nina Zizic - Dobrodosli crna gora