MS Excel Complete Course in Urdu/Hindi | Microsoft Excel Step By Step tutorials | Excel full Course
#infodesk247 $#excel #msexcel #microsoftexcel #informativevideos #exceltips #exceltricks #tipsandtrick #tipsandtricks #tips_and_tricks #computer #computerinhindi Hello Everyone! Today we are going to Start our new Course Microsoft Excel from beginner to advance level. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program included in the Microsoft Office suite of applications. Spreadsheets present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic operations and functions. let's begin with the short introduction of MS Excel Advance. Also watch • MS Word Toturial in Urdu/Hindi Part 1 An overview of MS Word • Complete MS-Word Course in Urdu/Hindi... • MS Word Toturial in Urdu/Hindi Part 2 Autocorrect Spell checking & grammar • Complete MS Word Course in Urdu/Hindi... Chapters of this lecture: 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Different ways to open MS Excel 01:17 User interface of Excel 03:39 How many Rows Columns & Pages in one sheet 05:08 File Menu & creating a new file 09:40 How to set Password on excel sheet 12:25 Print options in Excel 16:22 Convert an Excel file to PDF 18:05 Home Tab (Copy, paste, format painter, Font) 21:20 Alignment, Wrap text & Merge commands 26:20 Number formatting 27:49 Conditional Formatting & Cell formatting 41:45 Formulas & auto fill in Excel 45:36 Sorts, Filters, Find & Replace text microsoft microsoft excel ms excel microsoft excel complete course ms excel complete course in urdu beginner to advance free computer courses in urdu ms excel online spreadsheet microsoft excel 2016 excel advance course excel formulas ms excel in hindi full course ms excel full course in urdu ms excel tutorial in hindi ms excel tutorial in urdu easy way to learn ms excel ms excel step by step tutorial in hindi microsoft excel advanced training course excel advanced training