How I was almost scammed - Apostle Michael Orokpo
#apostlemichaelorokpo #discernment #apostlemichaelorokpochants Spiritual authority is not just about power—it’s about discernment. In this revelatory teaching, Apostle Michael Orokpo uncovers the deep connection between discernment and dominion. Learn how spiritual insight empowers you to make the right decisions, overcome deception, and walk in divine authority. If you were blessed, kindly like, subscribe and share. / @salvationpedia It is the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing, the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and life. We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken, we also believe, and therefore speak. ►Video original and produced exclusively by SalvationPedia. Speaker: Apostle Michael Orokpo ►Note: We, Footage Firm, storyblocks.com, videoblocks.com, graphicstock.com, and audioblocks.com, grant you a perpetual, worldwide right to incorporate the Stock Files you obtain from us into any work you create. ►Fair Use Disclaimer: Our goal in making these videos is to produce optimal quality motivational content and distribute it to our viewers. 1. This video could change your life forever. 2. It has no negative impact on the original work (Actually, it's a plus for them). 3. This video serves for teaching and educational purposes. 4. Bite sized pieces of videos are used to drive home a specific message. For queries and concerns, kindly contact [email protected]. God bless you. #prayer #spirituality #inspiration #holyspirit #discernment #kingdomauthority #faith #jesus #God #worship #blessed #holyspirit #dominion #ApostleMichaelOrokpo #christianteaching #SpiritualDiscernment #discerningspirits #encounterjesusministry KingdomDominion PropheticWisdom SupernaturalInsight ChristianTeaching SpiritualGrowth BiblicalWisdom HolySpiritLed FaithAndPower KingdomAuthority God'sPlan