Full Moon Reiki Energy Healing | Visual Therapy | Meditation
The Wolf Full Moon – January 13th The Wolf Moon is a time to honour your intuition, release what no longer serves you, and find strength inthe community. Named after wolves howling in the cold nights of January, it symbolizes instinct, loyalty, and connection. 🌕 Key Themes: Reflect on your inner truth. Strengthen bonds with loved ones. Let go of old patterns and embrace new beginnings. 🌀 Embrace this full moon’s energy by meditating, journaling, or spending time in nature. Howl out your intentions and release! #WolfMoon #FullMoonEnergy #LetGoAndGrow 💚 Full Moon Distance Reiki Healing. 💚 Experience this powerful healing energy while relaxing in the safe space of your own home. Reiki is an intelligent natural healing energy that has the power to penetrate deep into our bodies' cells and tissues to release toxins and negative energy enabling deep healing. A session takes 11:11 minutes, choose a quiet space, light some candles listen to music and enjoy the relaxing healing energy of Reiki. Set your intention for your session. What would you like to heal? Drink plenty of water after the session. You can feel emotional for 24 hours after the session. You won’t see me but I’ll be there at the premiere on the chat. Channeling Reiki energies to everyone who watches this video live and afterwards, The energy flows to everyone who watches it at the right time exactly when they need it. Reiki is a natural, safe holistic healing method. You can read about Reiki Energy healing on my blog if you want to know more about it. https://mkjinnercoaching.com/category... My name is Margaret, I am a Transformational Life Coach / Holistic Therapist /Self-Leadership Coach 🔑/Reiki Master Teacher/ Energy Healer💚. I believe that my thoughts create my reality. My life story is proof of this. I would not like to be anyone else but myself. Just as I am. Reiki is holistic natural healing. Benefits: Heals body, mind & emotions. Treatment: Channelled healing energy, absorbed in mental & physical. Who needs it ❓️Heals stress, worry, emotional upsets & physical aches, pains and disease. Why Reiki❓️Safe, natural healing. Reiki Energy Healing. https://mkjinnercoaching.com/reiki-en... Usui Reiki Training Shoden Level One https://mkjinnercoaching.com/reiki/ See you soon 💚 #reiki #reikienergyhealingsession #reikihealing #reikienergy #Ireland #distancereikihealing WEBSITE: http://www.mkjinnercoaching.com/ FACEBOOK: / margaret.k.jerczynska / mkjinnercoaching / mkj.inner.coaching Music from the Cap Cut app Meditation music DISCLAIMER This video is not a substitute for seeking professional medical care but is offered for relaxation and stress reduction which support the body’s natural healing capabilities. Reiki is a complement to and never a replacement for professional medical care.