The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - December 31, 2023
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - December 31, 2023 St. John Baptist de la Salle Catholic Church in Granada Hills, California USA Our On Line Giving: www.osvhub.com/sjbdlsfunds St. John Baptist de la Salle Catholic Parish was established in 1953. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - December 31, 2023 Presider Rev. Gregory Kirsch Pastor -Rev. Ramon Valera Pastor Emeritus - Rev. Monsignor Robert Milbauer Associate Pastor- Rev. Khoa Mai In Residence- Rev. Tovia Lui Deacon - Deacon Sam Frias RESPECT LIFE -- PRAY TO END ABORTION View the St. John Baptist de la Salle bulletin electronically by following this link: A Message from our Pastor, Fr. Ramon Valera Please take note of the following upcoming events in our parish: sjbdls.com 9 AM MASS Live stream Mass EVERY Sunday. Saturday Vigil Mass, 5 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM , 9 AM (Live Stream ), 10:30 AM and Noon Weekday Morning Masses: Monday Thru Saturday at 7:30 AM Stations of The Cross each Friday of Lent 7:00 pm in Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4 pm to 4:45 pm in Church Miraculous Medal Novena and Holy Rosary Wednesday, 5:30 PM Face Masks are not required but recommended. No one should attend Mass if they are feeling sick or have been in proximity to someone with COVID19 symptoms. For Sacraments, Weddings Funerals, etc., please call the Parish office; Monday through Thursday 9 am to 4 pm. Blessings from Fr. Ramon Valera and All the Priests of our Parish. Fr. Ramon Valera, Pastor St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish Granada Hills, California On Line Giving: www.osvhub.com/sjbdlsfunds sjbdls New Stained Glass Media Ministry Contact: [email protected]