November 22 2020 Reign of Christ Sunday
We have returned to "in person" worship each Sunday at 10 AM. To join us in person, please contact the office (519-451-7780) to register your attendance. We are also posting our Sunday videos on our Youtube channel. Starting in December, we will have "in person" worship on the First & Third Sundays of the month. The Second & Fourth Sundays will be a streamed Morning Prayer worship service. Visit Ascension's website at http://www.ascensionlondon.com for links and updates. Follow us on Facebook at Church of the Ascension (Anglican), London, ON Donate to support the mission and ministries of Church of the Ascension at: https://tinyurl.com/y7b9gct9 CCLI License # 3098556 Copyright coverage:SongSelect access; ADVANCED MELODY