Exercise 7e | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra

Exercise 7e | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra

Exercise 7e | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra Dear Students! In this lecture, we will covered complete exercise 7e along with article of Oxford New Countdown Book 4 Third Edition from book page number 187 to 189. In this lecture, you will learn about the shape of Quadrilateral. Following shapes are related to Quadrilateral shapes. 1. Square. 2. Recangle. 3. Rhombs. 4. Paralleogram. 5.Trapezium. Other related Cources Playlists are as under. 1. Oxford New Countdown Grade 2 Playlist Link.    • Oxford New Countdown Book 2 New Sylla...   2. Oxford New Countdwon Grade 3 Playlist Link.    • Oxford New Countdown Book 3 New Sylla...   3. Oxford New Countdown Grade 4 Playlist Link.    • Oxford New Countdown Book 4 New Sylla...   4. Oxford New Countdown Grade 5 Playlist.    • Oxford New Countdown Book 5 New Sylla...   5. Mathematics Class 10 | National Book Foundation    • New Mathematics book Class 10th | Fed...   6. Mathematics Class 7 | Punjab Syllabus    • Class 7th Mathematics Punjab Syllabus   7. Mathematics Class 8 | Punjab Syllabus    • Class 8th Mathematics   8. Mathematics Class 9 | Punjab Syllabus    • Class 9th Mathematics Punjab Syllabus   9. Mathematics Class 10 | Punjab Syllabus    • Mathematics Class 10th   10. Past Papers 2024    • Physics Past Papers 2024   11. Class 9 Physics Numericals | Punjab Syllabus    • Physics Class 9th Numericals   12. Physics Class 9 | Punjab Syllabus    • Physics Class 9th Unit # 1 (Physical ...   #oxfordnewcountdown #grade4math #oxfordmaths #chapter7 #geometry #countdown #newmaths #lines #ray #segments #points #drawing_line_segments #measuring_straight_line #measuring_curved_line #using_thread #dividers #ruler #horizontal_line #vertical_line #set_square #parallel_lines #non_parallel_line #exercise7b #symmetry #line_of_symmetry #symmetryreflection #symmetrical #symmetricmatrices #exercise_solutions #angles #types_of_angles #right_angle #left_angle #acute_angle #obsture_angle #straight_angle #reflex_angle #sides #vertex #measure_angle #drawing_angles #exercsie7e #quadrilaterals #square #rectangle #rectangular #rhombus #parallelogram #trapezium #cricle #semicricle #radius #quadrant #centre #compras #diameter #measure_diameter_of_cricle #mathstricks #bookpage180 #bookpage181 #bookpage182 #bookpages #snc2022 #snc_maths #iqrazahra #iqramaths #easymaths #end_point #maths #education #educationalvideo #newsession2024_25 #newsyllabus2024 #2024_25 #newmathebook