Bee Facts - All About Honeybees, Bumblebees and Queen Bees

Bee Facts - All About Honeybees, Bumblebees and Queen Bees

Find out more about these Bee Facts in our article: Bees are some of the most hardworking animals ever. In their colony, they each have a role to fulfill. Together, they make the sweetest honey. They play a vital role in ensuring our plants grow. Without them, there is no doubt that nature would have less colorful flowers. It is important to take care of them with as much care as these insects give to pollinating and making honey. Of course, that isn’t all there is to these insects. Beyond the buzzing, yellow stripes, and sharp stingers, there’s still a lot that people don’t know about bees. If you’re curious to discover more about these busy bees, then keep watch on to find out in our Bee Facts video! 0:43 There are around 20,000 species of bees. 1:01 Bumblebees are the biggest bee species. 1:20 There are 3 types of bees based on their roles. 1:53 A bee’s brain is as small as a sesame seed. 2:15 Over time, a bee’s brain chemistry changes. 2:39 Bees have to learn how to make honey. 2:53 Bees have rotated and twisted wings. 3:08 Each bee has a total of 5 eyes. 3:22 Bees cannot see the color red. 3:39 Bees are very sensitive to smell. 3:56 Bees have an extra stomach. 4:16 Bumblebees love to eat. 4:33 Bees are also fans of coffee. 4:49 Bees can’t stand peppermint. 5:10 Sometimes, a colony will have one or more queen bees. 5:27 Queen bees often fight for the throne. 5:44 Queen bees can live for up to 5 years. 5:59 A queen bee performs a “mating flight.” 6:21 Drones die after mating with the queen bee. 6:38 Unfortunately, worker bees also have short lifespans. 6:56 Bees die after they sting humans. 7:18 Apollo was the first beekeeper. 7:35 Beekeepers do not take all the honey. 7:51 Smoke calms bees down. 8:07 The flavor and color of the honey depends on the flower it was made from. 8:25 Bees store honey for winter. 8:45 When they find the perfect nectar, bees will do a “waggle dance.” 9:01 The only bee species that can pollinate are carpenter bees. 9:14 Bees are important in crop and plant production. 9:32 Today, there are approximately 2 trillion bees. Don't miss the other AMAZING facts on our website: