How to Naturally REVERSE Insulin Resistance & TYPE 2 DIABETES | Dr. Jason Fung
Dr. Jason Fung is a physician, researcher, New York Times bestselling author and currently practices as a nephrologist (kidney specialist). He is the co-founder of The Fasting Method, which provides the education, tools and community needed to successfully implement intermittent fasting. Jason recently released The Diabetes Code Journal: The Official Workbook for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Through Healthy Eating and Fasting. Subscribe to The Ultimate Health Podcast on YouTube: / @jessechappus (And be sure to hit the 🔔 to get notified when new videos are released!) In this episode, we discuss: 00:00 - Intro 00:35 - What causes type 2 diabetes? 03:42 - The insulin resistance – diabetes continuum 07:18 - What is hyperinsulinemia? 09:17 - The underlying problem with type 2 diabetes 11:10 - The 5 markers of metabolic syndrome 13:06 - Does prescribing insulin fix type 2 diabetes? 16:23 - Insulin resistance takes 10-15 years to turn into type 2 diabetes 19:44 - Early signs of diabetic kidney disease 20:43 - Cholesterol is not the main cause of heart disease 24:30 - Type 2 diabetes is reversible 29:20 - Body mass index (BMI) is deceiving 31:10 - The process called de novo lipogenesis (DNL) 36:05 - Type 1 diabetes needs insulin treatment 38:18 - 3 ways to lower insulin naturally 44:25 - Ketosis is an ultra-low-carbohydrate diet 47:16 - Reducing calories doesn’t address the root cause of the problem 53:51 - Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool to control type 2 diabetes 56:40 - Does fasting impact the basal metabolic rate (BMR)? 1:03:45 - Fasting doesn’t cause muscle loss Show notes: https://ultimatehealthpodcast.com/567 Listen & subscribe to The Ultimate Health Podcast ✩ Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/tuhpapple ✩ Spotify: https://bit.ly/tuhpspotify Connect with The Ultimate Health Podcast ✩ Website: https://ultimatehealthpodcast.com ✩ Instagram: / ultimatehealthpodcast #drjasonfung #jessechappus #reversediabetes About the Podcast Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!