Day 7 - Learn german phrases | german listening | german learning | german story | vokabeln

Day 7 - Learn german phrases | german listening | german learning | german story | vokabeln

Learn German with this 2-minute German and English Conversation for this lesson. In this video, you'll learn 10 basic German phrases to help you learn German fast. Our German speaker will say each phrase with German Example, then our English speaker will repeat the phrase in English. These casual German phrases are good for friendships, relationships, dating, or just meeting a stranger, who is the same age as you, in a German-speaking country. In German there are two different ways to translate the word “you”: Formal = Sie, Casual = Du. This video demonstrates a casual conversation between younger people of approximately the same age, so uses “du”. Watching and listening to German speakers is the fastest way to learn German, so start with this German Conversation for Beginners lesson. When you're finished with this German phrases video, check out our channel to learn German for free by watching and listening to German videos. #freegerman #freideutschh #germanlearning #german #deutschlernen #deutschlernendurchhören