THE LAST OF US 2 FULL WALKTHROUGH Part 34: The Descent (Seattle Day 2)
This chapter starts immediately after you fall in the pool off the bridge. Wait for Lev to finish talking to you about where you are, then jump back into the pool to collect the first collectible in the chapter. I also include tips on how to get around the infected. All collectible locations include 3 artifacts, 5 coins, and 1 safe. The wifi password is the safe code. Walk into the gym and go behind the desk. There will be a sign that says Free Wi-Fi with the password 12-18-79 will be written underneath the sign. Platform: Playstation 4 1TB Game: THE LAST OF US 2 Difficulty: Moderate (Normal) ★☆★ COLLECTIBLES IN ORDER FOR THIS WALKTHROUGH ★☆★ Coin - Illinois 00:25 Artifact - Gym Safe Combo 01:50 Safe Location - Gym Closet 02:20 Artifact - FEDRA Orders 03:18 Artifact - FEDRA Final Notes 10:50 Weapon - Flamethrower 13:31 Coin - Oregon 17:10 Coin - Wisconsin 21:05 Coin - Rhode Island 21:58 Coin - Missouri 26:07 #TLOU2 #TheLastofUsPart2 #TheLastofUsPartII