Start Each Day Thanking God for All He Has Done | Blessed Morning Prayer

Start Each Day Thanking God for All He Has Done | Blessed Morning Prayer

📖 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." – Mt4:4 God's love never changes. Believe that you are a beloved child of God and are loved unconditionally. Jesus is your strength. He is your anchor. He is your peace. 🔥 Are you facing overwhelming battles? 🔥 Are you yearning for peace in the midst of uncertainty? 🔥 Do you need a new outpouring of faith to turn your eyes to Jesus? 🙏 Let us pray together. Let us lay every burden at His feet. Let us turn our eyes to Jesus and trust Him completely! 💬 If this prayer touches your heart, type 'Amen' in the comments as a sign of faith. May you walk in victory, filled with peace, strength and unwavering faith in Jesus Christ! 🙌