Comparing and Ordering Fractions | How to compare fractions | Fractions from least to greatest Easy

Comparing and Ordering Fractions | How to compare fractions | Fractions from least to greatest Easy

This video teaches the ways of comparing and ordering fractions for pupils who have some major challenges with the concept of Arranging Fractions from least to greatest especially those within the ages of 8 - 11 years. In this video, we are going to learn how to compare fractions with unlike denominators by applying the LCM method. The process of ordering fractions in ascending order means arranging the fractions from least to greatest just like we do when arranging whole number in order of sizes. Similarly, arranging fractions in descending order means arranging the fractions from the greatest or largest to the least. There are always three cases that you may be presented with if you are to arrange fractions in order. Case 1: When the denominators are the same When this happens, it means that the fraction that has the greatest numerator is the greatest of all. For instance, in the fractions: 4/7, 9/7 and 11/7. The greatest fraction is 11/7 because it has the greatest numerator Case 2: When the numerators are the same When this happens, the fraction with the smallest denominator is the greatest. For instance, in the set of fractions: 5/13, 5/2 and 5/9. The greatest fraction is 5/2 since it has the smallest denominator. Case 3: When all numerators are different and when all denominators are different When this happens, the easiest way we go about this is to rewrite all denominators to have a common number. This is done by finding the L.C.M of the denominators. After that we compare the fractions with their respective denominator as it is in case 1. Feel free to watch at your own pace or you may pause/rewind for better understanding during watching. Thank you. For extra worked examples, visit: You can also watch these:    • A Complete Guide to Division and Mult...      • The Game Approach: Fraction Multiplic...      • How to Add and Subtract Fractions wit...