My First Pet Goldfish (So Cute) || How To Keep Your Goldfish Alive for 15 years || New Video 2021.
My First Pet Goldfish (So Cute) || How To Keep Your Goldfish Alive for 15 years || New Video 2021. Please Subscribe my youtube channel & also press the bell button...... ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ Sobaike onek onek donnobad pashe theke like,comments & Subscribe kore pashe thakar jonno.......❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ √√√ এই ইউটিউব ভিডিওটির লিংক শেয়ার করুন। √√√ Please share YouTube link of this video . The longest- living Goldfish on record was 43 years old. But while they're supposed to live at least 15 years on average,yours might not have made it to its 5th birthday. The major problem is often toxin accumulation in the tank from fish poop. By seeding the tank with special bacteria, you can break these chemicals down and make the aquarium a safer home for your pet. Since you can teach Goldie to swim through hoops and eat from your hand & careful attention to how the water looks and smells. My facebook name is : rony khan My instagram name is : ronykhan88 My Another video link is here : • সরিষা ক্ষেত|| sorisha khet near Dhaka... My another video link is here : • cox's bazar to saint martin |সেন্টমার... My another video link is here : • Bangla natok shilpi song ||new song||... Please Subscribe my youtube channel & also press the bell button.......☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️