Gender prediction Malayalam|placental position posterior Boy or Girl
Gender prediction Malayalam|placental position posterior Boy or Girl #genderprediction #babyboysymptoms #pregnancyscan #babygirl #nubtheory #genderpredictiongirl #drrisa #pregnancy fetal heart rate high means girl anterior placenta means girl or boy how to know baby gender using scan report malayalam 5 scan report features help to know baby gender baby gender malayalam revealling baby gender baby boy and girl symptoms gender prediction using skull theory gender prediction nub theory malayalam jaw bone shape girl and baby ramses theory placental position malayalam best way to find baby geder genitic test for baby gender malayalam 5 singns of baby boy, placenta anterior means girl or boy placenta right means girl or boy Hi friends , I am Dr Risa ( Dentist ) My channel dedicated to provide information on PREGNANCY, DENTAL, HEALTH, and many more. Here i share my knowledge and experiences on various topics. mail ID : [email protected]