How a narcissistic family gets a child to become the scapegoat

How a narcissistic family gets a child to become the scapegoat

In today’s video, let’s dive deep into the complicated dynamics of narcissistic families and how they groom a child to become the scapegoat. We’ll discuss not only how narcissistic parents select and treat the scapegoat in their family but also how they get the child to identify with the role of the scapegoat. If you want to learn more about the most important aspects of what it’s like being a scapegoated child, why it wasn’t the scapegoat’s fault, and start your healing process today, check out the links below: 👉 FREE copy of my eBook, “Surviving Narcissistic Abuse as the Scapegoat” 👉 A Map to Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse 👉 7 Self-Care Tools for Scapegoat Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse ---- References: Pillari, V. (1991). Scapegoating in families: Intergenerational patterns of physical and emotional abuse. New York, NY: Brunner/Mazel. Vogel, E. F., & Bell, N. W. (1960). The emotionally disturbed child as a family scapegoat. Psychoanalytic Review, 47(2), 21-42.