Sunday Service - 9/26/2021
Recorded Sunday, September 26, 2021 at St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church in Bangor, Wisconsin. WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. TODAY’S WORSHIP THEME We can often give into selfish ambition and into our desire for worldly greatness. But in God’s kingdom, greatness is much different. Greatness in God’s kingdom is defined by selflessness and humility. Need an example? Simply look to the cross, where our great Savior humbly gave his life for our sake. Jesus teaches us true greatness. OPENING HYMN Blessed Jesus, at Your Word | 221 INVOCATION CONFESSION LORD, HAVE MERCY ABSOLUTION Prayer and Praise GLORY TO GOD PRAYER OF THE DAY The Word FIRST LESSON Numbers 12:1-15 PSALM OF THE DAY Psalm 31 (p.77) SECOND LESSON James 3:13-18 VERSE OF THE DAY 2 Corinthians 12:9a GOSPEL Mark 9:30-37 APOSTLES’ CREED HYMN OF THE DAY Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us | 486 SERMON Mark 9:30-37 What is True Greatness? CREATE IN ME OFFERING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH LORD’S PRAYER HYMN Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head | 536 PRAYER BLESSING CLOSING HYMN Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name | 321 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS BIBLE STUDIES CONTINUE Sunday School (9:10 am, school): The Flood Sunday Adult Bible Study (9:15 am, sanctuary): The Flood Midweek Bible Study (Tues., 7pm; Wed. 9am): Right Questions, Wrong Answers: World Religions GOT A 5TH OR 6TH GRADER? If you have a child in 5th or 6th grade in public school, please contact Pastor Groth. We would like to have a pre-confirmation class for 5th and 6th graders at the same time as public school confirmation class on Wednesdays (3:30 pm). NEWBORN IN 2021? If the Lord has blessed you with a newborn child in this 2021 calendar year, please email our church secretary at [email protected]. Please share the full name and date of birth of your child in the email. This is in preparation of a gift from the congregation. Thanks! CARING CHRISTIANS Caring Christians – Mental Health will meet at First Lutheran in La Crosse on Monday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m. The topic will be: Indifference and Apathy. SCRAP AND CRAFT October 16 The Fall Scrap and Craft Fundraiser is Saturday, October 16, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, at Mt Calvary School in La Crosse. There are registration forms in the narthex and ready for you to mail in with your payment. You will also find copies of the food menu. MEN OF HIS WORD CONFERENCE October 23 The 6th Annual Men of His Word Conference will be held at the Mayo Civic Center in Downtown Rochester MN on Saturday, October 23rd. The theme for this year is God’s Vision for Your Future. Please go online at www.menofhisword.org to register and get details about schedule, breakout sessions, keynote speaker, cost, etc.