Intimacy With God Part 1 | Prophetess | Nabi' Healing Center Church
Intimacy With God Part 1 | Prophetess | Nabi' Healing Center Church Watch the full message here : • Understanding Spiritual Things | Prop... Prophetess Miranda uses Bible Characters to explain how wisdom and revelation are found in the word. You cannot "Understand Spiritual Things" until know that in God's word, he has a purpose and plan for everything. ✨Join Prophetess Miranda on ZOOM for our FREE ONLINE EVENT | RSVP REQUIRED | CLICK THE LINK TO RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/gods-he... ✨Join Us every Thursday @ 5am for “The Prophetic View” Conference Call: Call Number: (267)-807-9601 Access code: 646688# ✨ Purchase Prophetess Miranda’s E-Course: https://www.freshmannaschool.com/ ✨ Nabi’ Healing Center’s YouTube Channel: / nabihealingcenter ✨HOW TO GIVE: https://nabi.breezechms.com/give/online Pastor | Prophetess Miranda: 🔥Tik Tok: / prophetessmiranda 🔥Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prophetessm... 🔥Facebook: / prophetessmiranda 🔥Book Coaching Session: https://www.embracinganewday.com/ Church | Nabi' Healing Center: 🔥Watch Service Every Sunday Live at 3pm CST: https://www.live.nabihealingcenter.org 🔥Prayer Request: https://www.nabihealingcenter.org/prayer 🔥Contact Pastor: https://www.nabihealingcenter.org/con... 🔥Church Website: www.nabihealingcenter.org 🔥Nabi' Healing Center Church YouTube Page: / nabihealingcenter #deliveranceministry #deliverance #prayer #god #Jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou