Bikini Prep VLOG: 8 & 7 Weeks Out Updates
Sorry for the delay!! I celebrated my 30th birthday last week at 8 weeks out and the week got away from me. Oops!! I've got a new protein recipe for you in this video: Pronuts 4 Eggs 1 Scoop Mutant Cookies And Cream Iso Surge 4 Tbsp Oat Flour (Just throw some quick oats in your blender) 1 Tsp Baking Powder Blend With A Whisk Until Smooth And Cook In A Mini Donut Maker Sprayed With Pam (For each 7 Tbsp of batter or 7 mini donuts it is 173 calories 7g fats, 7g carbs, and 18g protein) I detail my metabolic conditioning workout as well as show you some rock climbing I got to do on my birthday and a little bit of insight competing as a mom. Not much has changed as far as nutrition but there is absolutely no fruits allowed at this point and I am consuming 1600 calories a day with a breakdown of 150g protein/120g carbs (not including vegetables)/50g fats. I've also added DIM to my supplement stack. I hope everyone has had an amazing week! Don't forget to subscribe and like this video. Woohoo!!!!!! Intro Music: On My Mind - Ellie Goulding Workout Music: Till It Hurts - Yellow Claw Coach: @emmybikini Emily Adams Competition: Northern Alberta Bodybuilding Championships Hat: RVL Apparel Camo Leggings: Public Myth