ABC Dinosaurs with Club Baboo! | Dinosaur Babies and more dino videos!
ABC Dinosaurs with Club Baboo and friends | Dinosaur Babies and more dino videos! Learn Dinosaurs for kids with Club Baboo! This dinosaur cartoon compilation is great for kids to learn the names and sounds of dinosaurs. This video contains a dinosaur fight, a dinosaur abc, dinosaur guessing games, dinosaur puzzles and more! Learning dinosaurs is fun with Club Baboo! Get the Club Baboo Puzzles app for Android on the Google Play Store: https://www.clubbaboo.com/ Buy official Club Baboo T-Shirts in our shop: https://www.clubbaboo.com/shop 00:00:00 Dino ABC 00:00:00 Monster ABC 00:00:00 Insect ABC 00:00:06 Building a Bridge 00:05:11 Learn Dinosaur names with this Dino Puzzle 00:06:33 Club Baboo 00:06:39 Wrong Head Dinosaurs - T-Rex, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops 00:09:05 Playing the High Striker game at the carnaval fair 00:10:15 Learn Dinosaur names with this Dino Puzzle 00:11:47 Learn Insect names with this Insects Puzzle 00:13:28 Giganotosaurus 00:14:16 Sea-Animal ABC 00:16:21 Scary Animal ABC 00:18:34 Riojasaurus 00:19:22 Baboo rides a horse 00:20:20 Painting 00:22:11 Club Baboo is making music with the Parasaurolophus 00:23:00 Building a Robot 00:24:39 Club Baboo is having a water pistol fight and gets help from a Brachiosaurus 00:26:00 Let's play a game of dinosaur memory 00:29:12 Learn animal names with this Wild Animals Puzzle 00:31:01 Baboo and his friends go swimming in the pool with a Tyrannosaurus Rex! 00:32:07 Learn animal names with this Farm Animal Puzzle 00:33:46 Horse 00:36:29 Dinosaur Sounds 00:37:15 Ankylosaurus Bones 00:40:03 Help Baboo solve this Halloween Puzzle 00:42:13 Wrong Head Dragons 00:44:43 Elephant 00:49:41 Animal ABC 00:53:53 Wrong Head Insects - Grasshopper, Snail, Caterpillar, Beetle 00:56:23 Dog ABC 00:58:35 Building a Pterodactyl 01:00:19 Baboo and Katy make cool shoes out of Lego for the Ornithomimus 01:01:04 Zuniceratops 01:01:43 Learn Dinosaur names with this Baby Dinosaurs Puzzle Club Baboo is a family friendly youtube channel with an emphasis on cute learning videos for kids. We offer the best way to learn about animals, dinosaurs, ABC's, numbers, shapes and colors. Please enjoy this fun compilation of cartoons. Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... #ClubBaboo #Baboo #Dinosaur #Dinosaurs