Turtle Drawing / How to draw a turtle 🐢.

Turtle Drawing / How to draw a turtle 🐢.

Turtle Drawing /How to draw a turtle, /step by step for beginner by Preeti/ simple and easy way to draw turtle. ....................................................................... About this video : In this video I will show you how to draw_in a easy way. I hope you enjoyed my drawing...and like the video I always try to give my best. .................................................................... Hii guy's, My name is Preeti 😊 Welcome to my channel, like, comment, share this video and don't forget to subscribe my YouTube channel Preeti Arts and press the bell icon to never miss my any of the video. .......Thank you...... ................................................................ Materials I used for this drawing 👇 Pencil Drawing paper (normal drawing paper) Black sketch pen ................................................................. 🎶 music Ikson - snowflake (volg no copyright music) Link -    • Ikson - Snowflake (Vlog No Copyright ...   Diviners - Savannah (feat. Philly k) (ncs) Link -    • Diviners - Savannah (feat. Philly K) ...