30 MIN FULL BODY SCULPT WORKOUT (MadFit App Sculpt & Strength Program)

30 MIN FULL BODY SCULPT WORKOUT (MadFit App Sculpt & Strength Program)

Enjoy this SPECIAL sneak peek of the new SCULPT & STRENGTH program! This 4 week program is the perfect blend of the fan favourite "sculpt" style workouts and traditional strength training. If you're looking to improve your mobility, flexibility, balance, and total body strength, this is the program for you! LAUNCHING JULY 29TH, 2024 🎉 👉🏼 DOWNLOAD THE MADFIT APP HERE: https://madfit.app.link/e/store 👉🏼 MADFIT FITNESS ESSENTIALS (mats, booty bands, etc): https://store.madfit.co/ #homeworkout #fitness #workout ✘ I N S T A G R A M: @madfit.ig ✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner ✘ F A C E B O O K: facebook.com/madfit.ig ✉ C O N T A C T (business inquiries): [email protected]