C Dorian Scale Piano Tutorial With Score✨

C Dorian Scale Piano Tutorial With Score✨

Are you looking for a C dorian scale piano tutorial? How to play the C dorian scale on piano? ▶️Please Subscribe:    / @musicsimplyunderstood   Hello Guys! Welcome and in this piano tutorial video, I will show you how to play the C dorian scale on the piano. This lesson is designed for beginners or those who want to brush up on their knowledge of the C Dorian Scale. The modern Dorian scale is a strictly diatonic scale using the ascending pattern of whole steps and half steps as follows: whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half, whole Thus, the Dorian mode is a symmetric scale, since the pattern of whole and half steps is the same ascending or descending. The modern Dorian mode can also be thought of as a scale with a minor third and seventh, a major second and sixth, and a perfect fourth and fifth, notated relative to the major scale as: 1, 2, ♭3, 4, 5, 6, ♭7, 8 In the case of the C dorian scale these are the notes: C D E♭ F G A B♭ C It may be considered an "excerpt" of a major scale played from the pitch a whole tone above the major scale's tonic , i.e., a major scale played from its second scale degree up to its second degree again. The resulting scale is, however, minor in quality, because, as the D becomes the new tonal centre, the F a minor third above the D becomes the new mediant, or third degree. Thus, when a triad is built upon the tonic, it is a minor triad. The modern Dorian mode is equivalent to the natural minor scale (or the Aeolian mode) but with a major sixth. The modern Dorian mode resembles the Greek Phrygian harmonia in the diatonic genus. It is also equivalent to the ascending melodic minor scale with a minor seventh. The C dorian scale is relate to the scale of B♭ major. Hence it has the same alterations, namely the B♭and the E♭. Scales are an important aspect of piano playing, and everyone goes through the process of learning how to finger them correctly. When scales are performed with both hands at the same time, we must be extremely synchronized when playing them on the piano. This tutorial only deals with the right hand. When practicing always start by playing slowly! Once you get more assurance you can increase speed. Practice frequently (daily) and keep your sessions short, especially if you are a beginner. To know more please watch the full video till the end and share your thoughts in the comments. If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell, 🔔 like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all.😍 ---------------- ▶️Please Subscribe:    / @musicsimplyunderstood   ----------------- ▶️ For business inquiries: [email protected] ----------------- ▶️ Other Videos: • How To Play The C major Scale On The Piano:    • C Major Scale Piano Tutorial   • How To Play The F major Scale On The Piano:    • F Major Scale Piano Tutorial✨   • How To Play The Bb major Scale On The Piano:    • Bb Major Scale Piano Tutorial✨   • How To Play The Ab major Scale On The Piano:    • Ab Major Scale Piano Tutorial✨   ----------------- #dorianmode #dorianscale #cdorianscalepianotutorial #musicsimplyunderstood #cdorianscalelesson #cdorianscale #pianoscalestutorial #howtoplaypiano #learnpianoscales #pianoscales #pianotutorial #piano