Third Sunday of Advent – 11 Dec 2022

Third Sunday of Advent – 11 Dec 2022

Third Sunday of Advent – Welcome and thank you for celebrating with us! Today’s celebrant is Father Pedro Jimenez! Today’s readings can be found at: We are Facebook at   / cannonchapel   “Like” and “Follow us” so you are notified when we go “Live”. E-giving is available to make offerings towards the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Faith Community. Please use this link: Select Cannon, then Catholic Sunday Mass. Complete the online form. You have several options from one time giving to setting up recurring frequencies! Your information is safe and secure! We have a subscription to Use the “Sign up” button (if this doesn’t show up, please go to the upper right of your screen, click on “Sign up”). “Sign up as a parishioner” is the next option you need to select. In the search bar, type “Canon AFB St Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish”. This may auto-populate as you are typing. Finally finish your profile and you’re set! Once all that is complete, you can just use the “Sign-in” at the upper right of the screen. The bulletin and calendar are now available digitally. Digital Church Bulletin: Digital Church Calendar: We are Blessed to have the Knights of Columbus step up and continue the process to make information available to as many people as possible! Thank you! DISCLAIMER: This online service presented by the 27th Special Operations Wing Chapel is meant to provide services for our Airmen and is not a federal endorsement of any specific religion or denomination.