LILITH'S DIVINE DARK FEMININE Energy Activation & Healing Subliminal 🐍🍎 (black cat, femme fatale)

LILITH'S DIVINE DARK FEMININE Energy Activation & Healing Subliminal 🐍🍎 (black cat, femme fatale)

💫 "By the power of my shadow, by the fire in my soul, I awaken the dark goddess within me." 💫 This video includes my unique twin-tailed serpent sigil, designed by me, to represent death and rebirth, dark and light, and unify masculine and feminine energy. In this video it is used to amplify dark feminine energy, and it's Lilithian sovereignty, seduction, power, and wild freedom. This subliminal will awaken your primal feminine force, reclaim your shadow, and step fully into your dark goddess energy. May you walk through life as the unstoppable force of nature you are. Layered with natural sounds of bird song and a flowing stream, reminiscent of Eden - blended with a slighly tempestuous wind, singing bowls, whispers, angelic chants, and a serpent rattle. Listen as much as you like, ideally before sleeping! With or without headphones. You can buy my sigils and spells via my Etsy store: This video may give you a headache, or make you feel slightly disoriented as it is a POWERFUL energy activation and layered subliminal, designed to completely shift your vibration and belief system to that of a divine dark feminine. I have use layered subliminal affirmations that are extremely subtle and bypass your conscious mind in order to transform your beliefs. The name ‘Demonetta’ comes from my ex boyfriends’ best friend, who hit on me and called me a ‘Demonette’ when I turned him down. I found it amusing and have used the name ever since. Disclaimer: subliminals and energy healing is experimental/entertainment only, results are not guaranteed. For entertainment purposes only. #divinefeminineenergy #darkfeminineenergy #lilithenergy #feminineenergy